I hope you guys had a great long weekend!
ME? I was down at
The Historic Distillery District in Toronto for
So….first - thanks to those people that made it out…..I really appreciate it!
Ok….let's get to it………I know you are gagging to know the grizzly deets…
First…let me tell you , I thought the Artfest team did a great job organizing the show load in and such.
I think my weekend would have been MUCH better had I been on the 'main drag' of the Distillery….
Sadly, my location was right at the very end of one of the side roads. There was a glaring traffic problem where I was… that….there was WAY LESS pedestrian traffic….
But not one to get hung up on a bad booth location I was ready for the day with a heart filled with love!
(or at least full of 'like')
This is the panorama from my booth on Gristmill Lane…r |
Saturday May 17th was a frigid start…..
"How cold was it Rob?"
So cold…...that I had to wear a tee - a HEAVY hoodie - a wool WINTER jacket - and GLOVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes…that's right friends…..I said gloves ….um.….in MAY!!!
Anyways… are the photos:
DAY 1: "Freezing my popsicles off"
My booth! Looking great! |
The view was great!
(pay no attention to my finger) |
Thankfully the clouds parted that first day for a small time…….
and the street was mobbed with people……ok…maybe not mobbed... |
I saw 6 wedding parties on my weekend in the Distillery…..
I especially LOVE this bride and groom pose…..
SUPER natural looking!!!! |
Folk singer, Patrick Keating, and duo partner, Jack Martin performed songs
"celebrating our magnificent planet and our connection to it and each other." |
Let me make say, Patrick made an impression on all us exhibitors!
His songs which included a song about "Sledding across canada"…which most astoundingly rhymed "shiver" and "give 'er" was STUCK in my head for days!
He also had a song detailing a Martian invasion!
The chorus of which was…."We'll make great pets, we'll make great pets…."
I assure you it was a toe tapper….
Speaking of alien invasion…….
I loved this sculpture that I was right beside!
Very "war of the worlds"! |
Ok…back to this bridal party……
Now I do NOT want to be critical of their choices….
BUT…..those poor bridesmaids…..they are gonna HATE the photos from this day in about 10 years….
(and by 10 years, I mean NEXT MONTH!)
ok……..maybe I was just jealous of their magenta coloured hats….. |
DAY 2: "Rainy days on Sundays always get me down"
1pm…….Into every artshow, a little rain must fall! |
THIS sums up my feelings about the rain…..
These little guys are STILL available!!!
COME ON!!!!! ;-) |
1pm |
BUSY!!!!! ;-) |
Um… that actually sun AND rain?????? |
4pm…...I was looking for a rainbow!
(and a reason to live ;-) |
THANKFULLY it cleared up at about 6pm…….yes…that was closing time…….
Thanks for not screwing us Mother Nature!! :-)
DAY 3: "Sunny with a chance of
sales showers"
A spectacular start to the day!!! |
Let it be known….part of the weather issues at The Distillery are due to wind and it's direct proximity to the lake (aka always colder). But Monday it remained fairly sunny for at least 1/2 of the day……which is nothing short of a miracle…..
…and then there were moments of this……….. |
Here's the math…...SUN + ARTSHOW = people |
Ok….let me talk a bit about my neighbours at this show……
The lovely folks at GrayArt Glass……lovely work!
CHECK THEM OUT HERE!! We had a lot of laughs over the weekend…..sometimes about my murder suicide plot……but still……
ALSO near me….
Claire and Woody helped the long cold days pass……
check out the beautiful glass works HERE!!!!!
And of course Nadya who makes very nice handbags as Táska…..and who was a neighbour at Cabbagetown last year……
Check out her work too……HERE
Sunday we were delighted with the sounds of Enrique Lopez:
Clap for the sun!!!! |
I swear every time the clouds came out……the sounds of his music would samba the clouds away!
So there is was…..cold…..cloudy….partially wet……..another weekend art show.
Do not worry - it nothing that vodka and shock-therapy won't fix! ;-)
The great news is, it was still a decent weekend for me……thanks to collectors who FIND me…even in the most DIRE weather conditions!!!!
Thanks to those folks……and for those who couldn't brave the elements…..I GET IT! I still care deeply for you……just maybe not AS much……hee hee….
I leave you with this SUPER FLATTERING selfie…….
This was me bring attacked by the aliens………
I suspect they wanted to harvest me for the fat in my chins…….. |
Have a great week y'all!!!