Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Ok....for those of you reading this will mixed company, please note that the last video clip is not great for the under 10 set.......The rest? YOU BETCHA!

1.) Ok Go. I just think they are super-fantastico! You know thier crazy this one:

or this one:

OR this one:

Then you MUST LOVE this - it is SUPERFANTASTICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: (muppets)
You have to go to this link - you will NOT be disappointed:

WAS THAT WORTH IT OR NOT?? HUH??? Who doesn't love the Muppets!??

2.) The Mad Men collection at Banana Republic. Normally I shun this major conglomerate company. Especially considering they seem to hate colour (for men's clothes)....but some of the ladies' wear in this line is pretty nice looking. The Men's collection has nice lines too.....but for me is a bit too BLAND!

3.) I really like the junk robots for sale at "The Sixth". (1642 Queen St.) They are the work of Iner Souster (Performer - Instrument Maker/Design) here is his bio and some pics:

"Iner Souster is a visual artist/musician living in Toronto. For years he has been creating, independently of one another, wearable body sculpture dresses, Fauxbots, and musical instruments, which have been used to compose music for The Fembots, This Beautiful City (3 Legged Dog Films) and sound design for The Alma Drawings. He created instruments and set design for Reesor  (Next Stage 09) and Pelee (SummerWorks 08).  All of Iner’s projects are made from recycled and salvaged materials, found objects, and other unconventional objects in the construction of these instruments. Many of the instruments have likewise been mounted and presented as sculptures. Many of these materials are known to Iner quite well from his years in construction and renovation. His excitement has always been in creating designs that are as unique and unconventional as the materials are, causing the viewer to think beyond the habitual constraints of the art world.  His new gallery, The Sixth (1642 Queen Street West) just opened in Parkdale."

These little mini boxes were SUPER....and not nearly as blurry in real life

Smaller bots.

Larger Bot....with some small shadow boxes

Larger robot.

Another cool large robot!

...Take a message...
4.  Pankakes. Can't say enough about them. I have enjoyed a lot of them on my vacations and a bunch on my weekly Sunday Brunch. Here is one that I enjoy A LOT...that you can visit RIGHT HERE in Toronto. (Sorry to those who live in London or Winnipeg or New Brunswick - but when you come for a visit - we can enjoy these!)

Mitzi and/or Mitzi's Sister - The WONDER-FULL (emphasis on the FULL)  oatmeal pancake, the Mitzi empire's signature brunch dish.  It is both hearty and fluffy, "it rides the fine line between healthy and decadent". 
at Mitzis is topped with a peanut butter cheesecake and caramel sauce. Served with pure maple syrup & fresh whipped cream. (also available wheat free)
her sister offers the same oatmeal cake served with blueberries, creamy Pernod custard and a side of whipped cream.
5.) OK. I am ending on a laugh. Not so much an inspiration, but it made me kinda chuckle. This was sent to me by husband....who got it from Deb. I am making sure to give full credit for THIS one!!
Here is only a snippet - but you should see the whole thing!!!

There you go!!!
I hope you enjoyed this weeks top 5!!  

1 comment:

  1. Love the Robots and Mad Men clothing!!! Must purchase!!!

    Thanks Rob.

