Friday, March 30, 2012


Hello everyone........this post is usually a Monday post......BUT.......
I wanted to share some photos I took after brunch last weekend.......
BEHOLD! The world's largest cocktail strainer.

YUM! That is all I can say!!!!!

Yes. That is my finger in the shot.....
I am a little worried about the person that buys this suitcase of HORRORS!!

Edith: You know Ronnie, I have been looking for a big piece for behind the divan
Ronnie: I think I found it. Do you like boobies??


I call this "hands on my seat".

I was surprised that there were "antique" hockey player travel mugs.
Am I the only one???

No antiquing day would be complete without a creepy doll.
You're welcome!

Not an's actually a cat bed.
I was a little weirded out by it!!!

"Lady Elite" is also my stage name.

It's the original"Breakfaster" it is a little oven and a hot plate combined.
And also a fire hazzard!

"Slug Fest"..........
.......also what I like to call a Nickleback concert.

I love these!! it my imagination....or is this a little Alfred Hitchcock-y??
Snow seems a little stressed by those birds!
Ah yes...the old creepy child-berry cookie jar.
The sure fire way to keep your kids from snacking! 

After I took this picture I was informed that this antique wasn't for sale.....
as much as it was for recording sales.

Lastly, I leave you with this.

Does this cat look happy to you???????
It looks like it is saying "b*tch, please"
So there you go....another productive Sunday!!!
Hope you enjoyed it.


  1. I love the cat bed! And the angry cat in the last pic- he is about to swat someone. I also find that cookie jar very scary, but I kind of want it.
    That couch is so you.
