Hey Y'all!!!!!
So all the jury results are in!
For those of you who are not artists, let me tell you, I do not enjoy the jury process.
I have a HUGE file of rejection letters.......that mostly all start with:
"After much deliberation, we regret to inform you that we will not be able to include your work in this year’s __________. Blahbity blahbity blahbity!"The truth is, each "no" still hurts a little, yes, even after all these years.
And each "yes" is still a validation of your art!
It is terrible!
Each year, I have had to say to artist friends "Well, these things are subjective and have no reason........" when they inform me that they haven't gotten into a show that I have or vice versa!
The thing is, I am not on the jury committees. It must be hard.
You want your show to be the best it can be, and you want to have the breadth and depth that a show should have. You can't have 100 pop-art inspired poster-stlyed painters (like me). You can't have 100 wildlife photographers.....you should have a varying roster of artists. I GET IT!
BUT still that "no thank you" is like a kick in proverbial balls.
This year has been a mixed bag or rejections and acceptance!
HERE are my upcoming summer and early FALL shows......
Sienna Gallery
A new gallery carrying works by ME!!
2865 Chamberland Street, Unit #2
Rockland, Ontario
I cancelled my
MAY shows to focus on getting work done!
(And taking ANOTHER short VACATION!)
Riverdale Art Walk
Jimmie Simpson Park, Toronto, ON.
Saturday, June 6 & Sunday, June 7, 2015
I will have brand new works in most every size, and some limited edition prints too! |
Queen and Jackson: Art and Craft Market
Players’ Guild | Downtown Hamilton, Ontario
June 13 – 14, 2015
I am working on new Hamilton works - and prints!!!!!! |
Kensington Market Art Fair
Kensington Market, Toronto, ON.
June 28th
Getting a NEW print about Kensington Market ready! |
Kensington Market Art Fair
Kensington Market, Toronto, ON.
Wychwood Barns Art Market
Cabbage town Art and Crafts Sale
Riverdale Farm, Toronto, ON.
September 11-13th
THAT is the new schedule!
BUSY DAYS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you come out to see me and the new work at any OR ALL of these shows!
See you in the parks!