Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Here are 5 things that I LOOOOOOOVED about my trip to NYC!
I know, I know, you are tired of hearing about the trip.....
Well....too bad! ;-)

1.) Porter Airlines. I cannot say enough about them. They leave from the island airport, here in T.O. For those of you not from Toronto.....yes.....we have an island airport!!! Crazy huh?
The new airport has grown around this little airport building!
The planes are bi-planes. just means 2 propellors!! Get your mind out of the gutter!
Tiny planes - with great service!
The terminal had all you can drink and niblies too!!
My latte, my almond biscotti and me! How UBRANE!!!
See how nice the terminal is?
And the best? We got a free drink (I had wine!!) and a little sandwich box with potato salad and a chocolate!
I just cannot say enough about Porter.  I loved the service and I love all the 'extras'. Best of all, it is easier to get to the island airport and it was also cheaper to fly!! All thanks to the little raccoon!!!

2.) The retro coolness of Big Daddy's. Yes, it is a diner. Yes, it has ENORMOUS USA portions......and yea, it is yummy....but I love the look of the restaurant - and their ads! You must try it out - fun fun fun!!!

I know it sounds as bit lascivious........but I LIKE IT!


I love this 80's style mural! Super colours!
Another cool sign in the restaurant!

YUM  x 2
YUM YUM YUM! Did I mention they make boozey milkshakes?
OH YES!!! It is a dream come true!! A big fatty dream!!!
And in the bathroom...........the perfect shade of blue!
3.) Sutton Foster is a revelation. LOVE HER....LOVER HER.....LOVE HER!!!! I was fortunate to see her in "Anything Goes" last week. If ever there was 'that something' that makes people special. She has 'it'. The show was good, the scenery was great, the music was fun, the dancing was WOW.....But Ms Foster? PERFECTION. PER FECT TION!!!! Check her out on the Tony Awards here:

Insert comment about Seamen here.


Love that dancing!!
I even loved the show curtain!!! It was lovely and graphic and very deco-y!!!!
 Ok. Enough about that! Back to the food in NYC:

4.) Balls. Do you like balls?? Two words: The Meatball Shop. It sounds simple, a restaurant where the main fare is the meatball.....but what a great dinner!!!!!! You can choose from 5 different balls and 4-5 different sauces. It was so super fresh and was absolutely delicious and was also super affordable!!
This is a MUST on your next New york trip!!!
(Thanks to David for the suggestion!!)

Now imagine it brimming with people!!!

OMG!!!!! Just looking at it makes me hungry again!!!!!

5.) The toys of NYC. Yikes, this whole post has been a bit lascivious, but it is all completely innocent. While in NYC we visited a lot of toy stores, because, well, husband and I are big kids at heart! So here are some highlights from the toy stores:
"Toys R Us" Times Square:

I was saved by the man of steel!!! It was the only Lois Lane moment I have ever had!
Did I mention there is a huge candy store inside?

It was one Oompa Loompa short of a complete movie set!

Comic book noises: "BAM" sure,  "Ka-pow" yup.......but "Snikit"??
I hit husband to see if it would make that noise. Alas, no 'snikit'.
I did get a "f*@# you" though!
No, I did not ride the giant ferris wheel! NO FREAKING WAY!!! DEATHTRAP!!!!!

He moves his head and and roars! Not unlike husband when I hit him!
The Disney Store in Times Square:
I loved this interactive wall. Sometimes it was stars or fireworks....or the floating lanterns from 'Tangled'.

Watch for flying Pooh!

These trees had a bunch of projections on them. They look 'meh' here...but they were kinda cool!

See, now the trees have green leaves that look like they are swaying in the winds!
Yes, I did get a bunch of dirty looks from mothers who thought I was some kind of creepy pedophile!
And even more looks when I tried to fit into a child's XL Cinderella costume!

I did try these boots on, though!!
FAO Schwartz is a NYC staple (it was featured in the movie 'Big'):
I did not try it out on this trip. I am still practicing chop sticks in preparation!

Yes, they are out front ALL YEAR LONG. I imagine those hat smell! EW.

Fun. Flors and floors of F-U-N!
Yes....Harry Potter ties....sadly, they were all out  of  Gryffindor!

Look at these dollhouses.
We got trapped by 'the dollhouse lady' and her speech for 15 minutes.
 It was scary!!!!
Finally, the Lego Store in Rockefeller Centre. Crazy!!!!:
This is made of the little lego men!! Crazy huh? Zoom in!!!
Cool, huh? It was a lego version of the big bronze Atlas statue in front of 30 Rock!

This guy was everywhere in the store!

Big apple!

I love this re-creation of the mural in Rockefeller Center too! Clever!!!!
Big lego NYC building! 

I love the lego King Kong on the side of this!! Which is like 10 feet tall or so?! that is it for another week.
Don't worry, soon I will be all out of NYC stories!!
But until then.......


  1. Wow!! Super Cool stuff!!

    Thanks Rob!


  2. Thanks Cindy!!
    Dontcha wanna go for meatballs????
